이별이 아닌거야
그래, 결코 헤어짐이 아닌거야. 이별이 아닌거야. 한국에서의 선교사역을 마감하고 미국으로 귀국하시는 Ecton 선교사님께서 만찬 소감을 소상히 전해주셨고 또한 미국 여행 초대장도 보내주셨다. Bro. and Mrs. Kim, Thank you so much for your love to us and taking us out to eat duck. We really enjoy your family and your daughter is precious. You son was having a hard time with us because we spoke in english. He seems like a thoughtful young man. I meant what I said about you coming t..
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2012. 7. 3. 10:47